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Monday, 6 February 2023

Getting Your OAU Transcript Delivered if You Graduated Several Years Ago or From Health Sciences or Pharmacy

Getting Your OAU Transcript Delivered if You Graduated Several Years Ago or From Health Sciences or Pharmacy

For reasons coming from the stress they give, how much time and money they cost to finish, and the lack of understanding from clients owning these jobs, we initially stopped taking transcript jobs from OAU alumni who graduated several years ago (2005 backwards), and alumni who graduated from Health Sciences and Pharmacy; these are the jobs we classify as Class B. To understand why we classify these jobs as Class B and why we negotiate with owners of these jobs rigorously on bill and time of delivery before taking these jobs, please click here to read a write-up written to explain the problems attached to these jobs, and how you may solve the problems if you wish to do this on your own. But if you already know the problems and you are still looking for someone to help with the solution, then lucky you, because we are back to taking the Class B jobs; so long you understand this would cost you more than the regular transcript processing, and it wouuld take longer time to deliver too. 

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Why Most OAU Transcripts Don’t Get Sent Ever or Get Sent But Several Months After Applying

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