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Monday, 21 March 2022


 How to be Part of How Student Visa is Making Emigration Easier for Nigerians 02

I started talking about the documents you must have if you are trying to migrate abroad using the student visa—which is facilitated by first gaining admission to a school in the country you are trying to migrate to. This would mean you are going to have to provide a lot of academic documents on your previously-earned academic qualifications. I have mentioned and discussed here a couple of the needed documents you must have before even trying to apply for any scholarship or admission abroad so that your Nigerian school would not sabotage the processing of your admission/scholarship or make you lose it when you have been offered a provisional admission but you need some documents for the admission to be finalized; we all know how our Nigerian schools are rarely capable of providing documents fast—transcripts especially. I will be discussing more of the academic documents you would be needing to process an abroad scholarship or admission, and I would not forget to state the ones you should have at hand before applying to all—to make your application easy. For the record, I have discussed: (1). Unofficial Transcripts and (2). Proof of Proficiency in English Language in the previous write-up, and on this one I would be discussing (3). Certified True Copy of Certificate and (4). Verification of Results.

3. Certification of Certificate/Certified True Copy of Certificate (CTCC): Your CCTC is the stamped and signed coloured copy of your certificate you are using to process the scholarship or admission you are seeking for, this stamping and signing is done by the Exams and Records of the school you got the qualification from so that the institution you are using the qualification at would be assured your certificate is not a forged document, and that the school indeed issued you the certificate and they approve of what you are trying to use it for and how you are trying to use it. Different schools with different ways of producing the CTCC; while some schools do this for free, some collect money ranging from #1,000 to #7,500. You just have to print your certificate in colours and submit it to your Exams and Records after applying for it to be certified. The submitted document would be stamped and signed by an authority of the Exams and Records, and that is how you have your CTCC. Now you can scan and upload it to any platform where you need it or send it by email or courier to them—depending on how they request you get it to them. Please remember that we can make this happen for you fast and without you having to stress on anything; just contact us on +2348139534187 or  now so we can talk about this.

(4). Verification of Results: A lot of people get them confused with each other Verification of Results and Certification of Certificate but they are far different from each other. I believe the major reason for this confusion is because most alumni don’t know the difference between a transcript and a certificate until they need their transcripts and their Nigerian schools have to frustrate them so much that they forcefully learn what transcripts are and how they are processed differently from a certificate. Note that while transcripts are documents detailing your courses, units, grades, everything that happened to you and with you and your programme from your admission year to your graduation year, a certificate is a document summarizing the completion of your programme and the class of your final CGPA. This means unlike your certificate that is produced by your department/faculty informing your Senate that you qualify to graduate and the class of CGPA you qualify to graduate with, the production of your transcripts depends on every course you took during your programme, their units their titles, the grades you got on them, how many times you had to take them to pass. The production of your transcripts may also need to carry passport photograph, your date of birth, details on the leave of absence you took while in school, details on transfer from one department to another, details on when you were permitted to take more unit of courses more or lesser than the normal unit you should take in a given semester. Because of all these needed data is why transcripts production is never as fast as certificate production in Nigeria, as our schools aren’t that efficient with data keeping. All said means that transcripts production is far different from certificate production and more rigorous; some schools even go to the length of leaving certificate production and other relating documents to the Exams and Records while they create a Transcripts Department for the production of transcripts. By the explanation of the dichotomy between transcripts and certificates, it should be easier now to summarize the difference between Verification of Results and Certification of Certificate to the former having to do with transcripts and the latter having to do with certificates. Verification of Results happens when an institution your transcripts have been sent to (by your or your school) contacts your school to verify that: the transcripts were sent by them, the transcripts have not been tampered with in the process of sending, or anything the verification-requesting institution has done on the transcripts either to evaluate or interpret them have not faulted the true value of the qualification; this is why evaluating bodies like WES, IQAS, SAQAS, etc. often request for Verification of Results after they have evaluated your transcripts. Different schools with different processes of verifying results; some do it for free, some need you to make some payments and push some documents before it is done for you. You already know we can get this done for you and fast, just contact us on +2348139534187 or  now so we can talk about this.


I will be discussing more documents needed for abroad admission or scholarship next week. To not miss out on this write-up, you can subscribe to our newsletter on this website or contact us here so that the write-up would be delivered to your email the very minute we publish it. Have a productive week.

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How to be Part of How Student Visa is Making Emigration Easier for Nigerians 01

Tuesday, 15 March 2022


 How to be Part of How Student Visa is Making Emigration Easier for Nigerians 01

One of the greatest things to happen to the demography of educated Nigerians in the last two-three years is the sudden burst in the rate of “japa” via student visa; the average increase in the number of Nigerians who travelled abroad with a student visa between 2019 and 2020 compared to any prior years is crazy! This is not even as crazy as the average increase in the number of Nigerians who travelled abroad with student visa between 2020 and 2021, and 2021-2022 is trying to be mad crazy as well. This can only mean the opportunity to japa via student visa is becoming more feasible for more people per year. Now the question is, how does a new person get involved in this trend? How can they avoid being one of the too many people that would spend so much resources and yet not have their student visa? How can they be one of the few lucky ones who get their student visa softly, travel abroad softly, and announce their japa softly? Well, for a fact, I know money is a major factor in this; without funds, don’t even go into trying to travel abroad, that thing costs money. Secondly, I know connections can do a lot too; you can have all the money you need to accomplish the process, but if you are not connected to the appropriate resources, you might just end up stranded and disappointed. Last but not the least, I know that information (the on-time and correct information) is very important to your emigration processes; no accurate and on-time information, the chances of getting the good success is infinitesimally small. Let me not concern this write-up with your funds you have or do not have ready for the emigration processes, let me not concern it with the connections you have or no do have, let me concern it with the basic information you must have and understand before engaging in emigration processes via student visa; as this is what Pathfinders Edu. Consultancy (PEC) is best at and can be of service on.

Scholarship and admission processes are based on documents, I mean several documents; nothing about traveling would be possible if you do not have the documents needed and on time. For a person trying to travel via student visa and get this visa via admission and scholarship, this would mean you would need a lot of academic documents. Let’s address these documents one by one, how you can get them, what they would cost you, and how we can be of service:

1. Unofficial Transcript (Student Copy): While some schools and scholarship boards abroad just demand for your official transcript as early as you are applying for an opportunity with them, most of the schools and scholarship boards only require you to upload and send your unofficial transcript to them for them to process your admission or scholarship, but when you have been considered for such admission or scholarship and you are found qualified, they would ask you to request that your school sends your official transcript to them for them to validate your qualification and then finally offer you your admission letter with which you would process your student visa. In case you do not know the difference between an unofficial transcript and an official transcript; normally, the former is yours and addressed to you, while the latter is addressed to the institution you are using it at and it is sent to them directly from your school, and they must be the one to open it; it’s not official anymore if opened by another body. However, in some type of way, a transcript addressed to one institution or body as an official document could be used in another institution as an unofficial document, but this is abnormal and unusual. It is advisable you have your unofficial transcript ready with you before applying for admissions or scholarships, as most Nigerian schools might delay the delivery of your transcript to you if you have applied for the admissions or scholarship already and your advancement in the process depends solely on the availability of your unofficial transcript. Most Nigerian applicants are victims of this, and they put themselves under unnecessary deadline pressures and failure because of this; some of them transfer these pressures to agents like us working on documents processing as their schools cannot be pressurized. You are advised to have your unofficial transcript already before applying for admissions or scholarships at all, to avoid the pressures of deadline. How to get your unofficial transcript depends on your school; some schools in Nigeria make the request for this available electronically, some are still manual about it. But know this and know peace, no matter what school you are requesting your transcript from, you are most likely to need a third-party or an agent to run the on-ground errands for you on processing your transcripts. If you request for your transcript and leave your school to it, you just might not get it ever or at best get it only after several months. Mind you, we are here to help you on this, just reach out to us on +2348139534187 or so we can talk about you getting your unofficial transcript fast and without stress. 

2. Proof of Proficiency in English Language (PPEL): PPEL is another important academic document you would be needing in processing your abroad admissions or scholarships if you are aspiring for Europe or the Americas; it is very important because the schools in these continents would ask you to have passed some kind of international English test, but then, if you have taken any programme in English Language before and the qualification of that programme is what you are using to get an admission or a scholarship abroad, getting a PPEL from the school you got the qualification from could give you a waiver for an international English test. So to say, PPEL saves you from having to write IELTS, GRE or TOEFL. How PPEL is produced varies from school to school; some schools give this document for free, some collect funds ranging from #1,000 to #10,000 to produce this document for you. Remember, whether free or costing money, you would still be needing an agent or a third-party on ground to process this document for you so you wouldn’t have to be in your school to do the run around. PEC can be of help on this as well. Just reach out to us on +2348139534187 or so we can talk about you getting your PPEL without stress, and fast.

I still have some five academic documents more to talk about, but I wouldn’t want to overload this write-up to make it a hard one to read and understand, so read a little more of this here.

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How to be Part of How Student Visa is Making Emigration Easier for Nigerians 02

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Verification of Results and Certified True Copy of Certificate: What’s the Difference, Their Uses, and How Do they Get Processed in OAU and UI? [TAGS: NAIRALAND, GOOGLE, OAU, UI, TRANSCRIPTS, SCHOLARSHIP, ADMISSION]

Verification of Results and Certified True Copy of Certificate: What’s the Difference, Their Uses, and How Do they Get Processed in OAU and UI?

Everyone knows exactly what document they want from their school—which is good, but sometimes, an excessive level of this assurance often causes a lot of problems for agents like us working on academic documents for alumni of Nigerian schools; it gets even more tedious when we encounter the client who just wants to stick to their understanding of what their travel agent or PR told them, or what they think the abroad institution they are applying to is asking them to provide. But then, it is a fact that people like us who have been doing the same thing for different people at different levels over a couple of years are likely to have a big well of experiences from which they could give a better or more information from, and while some clients make it easy for us to enlighten them, some just get really dogmatic and become impossible to educate—which, by the way, often leads them to having to spend more or having to wait for longer time for them to have what they want. An instance of this is when you inform a client who studied English Language as a course in school that they do not need to write any international English test like IELTS, GRE or TOEFL if they are seeking admission to an English-speaking country/school that requires that they have the good knowledge of English Language but then they insist that their abroad school they are seeking admission to requires every applicant to write an international English test. It’s also the same case as when you tell a person whose qualification they have at hand was taught in English Language that they do not need to write an international English test, they only need to get a Proof of Proficiency in English Language from their school and they would have a waiver on any international English test, but then, the client who know too much just wants to stick to what they know. As this drama happens with international English test and Proof of Proficiency in English Language, so does it with verification of results and certified true copy of a certificate?

Let me make this clear in one sentence that verification of results is not the same as certified true copy of certificate, and they do not do the same thing when it comes to seeking employment, admission or scholarship; while verification of results means that an institution has sent your academic transcripts to your school you got the qualification from, asking your school to verify that your transcripts were indeed sent by them, and that your results in the transcripts are correct, a certified true copy of your certificate would mean that an institution or a body is asking your school to confirm the genuineness of your certificate. Using the standard and modus operandi of OAU and UI, Verification of results is initiated by your requesting institution by sending a request for verification to your school, you pay some money to your school, do some leg works (or have someone do these for you), and your school replies to the request by verifying that your transcripts are genuine and the results in them are correct. Using the standard and modus operandi of OAU and UI, a certified true copy of your certificate is produced by your school’s Exams and Records stamping and signing a coloured copy of your certificate and sending it to the requesting body; this would mean to the requesting body that your school has confirmed to them that your certificate is genuine.

This information should be able to tell already that these two documents are not the same—as one is about your transcripts and the other about your certificate, and they don’t do the same thing as a lot of clients confuse their uses with each other. So when we have a client who—by what they are describing—sounds like what they need is a certified true copy of their certificate but they are insisting that what they need is verification of results, or when we have a client who—by what they are describing—sounds like what they need is a verification of their transcripts but they are insisting that what they need is a certified true copy, what we would resort to is the “do you” strategy; we help them get what they say they want and wait for when their requesting institution would send them back to their school to collect the right document required, and when they come back to us now sober and ready to listen, we let them know we been knew they were wrong. The purpose of this publication is not only to enlighten the readers on the differences between verification of results and a certified true copy, and the differences in the processes of producing these documents, but also to let potential clients needing these documents know that they must be flexible enough to want to listen to the agents they are contacting to help them process these documents from their schools, as these agents often know better and more than the information they may have gotten from anyone else. We came in peace, and only to enlighten and serve if you need services relating to these.

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