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Thursday, 5 November 2020


Your School is the Problem not ETX

Regardless of what school, everyone who has requested for their transcripts before, using ETX, has something really bad they experienced in that process. You should know you requesting your transcripts on ETX is either because your school makes that the only option, or you just believe in electronic services so much that you go for ETX instead of having to go to your school in person just because of how far or how busy you are (which by the way is a big lie, you will still need to appear in person or have somebody do that for you after you have requested for your transcripts online). Go to the internet, no one has something god to say about ETX when it comes to transcripts. But why is ETX the company having to face the wrath of the alumni who want their transcripts from their school instead of the school having to answer to their alumni? Let me give you this inside story.

ETX does not have any function in getting your transcripts ready; that’s absolutely the function of your school. ETX only takes transcript orders, report them to the office of your school that is in charge of records that have to do with transcripts (i.e. Exams and Records), the Exams and Records (in the ideal sense of it) fetches for your results from their records you have with your school (maybe on the online database or from the papers), furnish a transcript for you with them, authorize the transcript, and then hand it to ETX to send to when you need the transcripts. Can you see how totally uninvolved ETX is about your transcripts? But because ETX is the company you made the transcripts request through and they are the one you paid to, they happen to be the one to face the music of anger you will end up singing when your transcripts refuse to get delivered; which I believe is why ETX itself has to go bad on how they communicate with their customers, because how can you communicate with people you collected money from for something they need which they are not getting and you are not the one to provide it? No way you would have the best information to give on such thing, and this must be why ETX doesn’t get to communicate well with their customers. But apart from this, you cannot have ETX to blame for all the good opportunities your delayed transcript made you lose; the fault is your school’s. Your school has a backward system of keeping records, your school has staffs that don’t understand the importance of your transcripts (well, you didn’t know the importance too until you badly need it, so...), more so, your school uses ETX to shield you from having to find out that they are the one playing with your life with their bad recording system (though ETX makes their money—in fact too much exploitive money—from being the pawn too, but let’s leave the story of how ETX exploits their customers for another day).

Apart from the fact that I think the Nigerian schools are really bad with records keeping and that affects their alumni too much when it comes down to needing their transcripts, when this is related to OAU, I believe the OAU alumni body is totally not concerned about this problem, and that is because everyone there are people who have been there since the days of glory, I do not think there are new set of alumni active in the body, because if there are, they would have brought it forward in the association how the school is messing with people’s life because of their transcripts, and the association would have done something like probing the school. If OAU is not sued a couple of times and they have to lose millions of money to settle the plaintiffs, the school will not take record keeping seriously as it should be taken in 2020. So while I charge you to not shut up about how OAU makes you lose good opportunities because of your transcripts, I will also advise you—especially if you just newly graduated from OAU—to request for your transcripts immediately (far before you need them), as it is possible your department and the Exams and Records have not lost your results yet. Anytime farther from when you graduated, you just might have a lot of troubles getting your transcripts from OAU, or might even not get it at all while you keep waiting for years for something to happen for you.

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Why Most OAU Transcripts Don’t Get Sent Ever or Get Sent But Several Months After Applying

Tuesday, 3 November 2020


 Bettering your Post-UTME Preparation

They say preparation is the key to winning right, yes that’s what I believe too. But to take it farther than that, I also believe the proper preparation is the master key; the master key that cannot afford to not work. You can prepare and still prepare astray and not end up winning, but when your preparation is proper is when your chances of winning get really close to 100%. Now, as a candidate of OAU Post-UTME, how do you prepare properly to enable your win? I’ve been a tutor for almost a decade now, so be sure I’ve got a lot to share from experience, so let’s do it.

Do not let anyone tell you it’s impossible to score 20/20 in the Post-UTME test, because believe me, you can, and I say this because I have seen such score a few times; it’s hard, but not impossible. So if you are still very shaky about how your O/Level points and your UTME points added together have been low, I need you to believe you can still build your aggregate points with your Post-UTME score. But how do you make that happen? Get this first, it is very important you get yourself to a tutorial center with experienced tutors. There is nothing they will teach you at the tutorial center that you are not capable of figuring out on your own, yes, but you cannot figure experience out on your own, lest it would be too late for when you need the lessons, and that would be you having to learn from your own mistakes; which is never that good. So join a tutorial center to learn from the tutors’ experiences; it increases your chances of performing great in the test. Besides, there is how group preparation helps you put your preparation in perspectives.

Secondly, studying the OAU Post-UTME past questions is good, but here are the mistakes you should never make doing that: (1). don’t believe OAU would repeat any one of those questions, just see the questions as the pointer to what OAU Post-UTME test questions look like. (2). Don’t believe the answers behind the past questions are absolutely correct (especially when the questions and answers aren’t statistical), believing the answers on the past questions are the absolutely right answers would get you to not open your eyes to the mistakes OAU likes you to make in the Post-UTME test. Besides, for all you know, there might be something you know very well that the authors of the answers on the past questions are yet to know. So despite the answers they give, you still have to really work your solutions out your way and know how they got the answers and why they chose a particular option. (3). The past question is supposed to be your study guide not your textbook; you’re supposed to get from it what direction should your studying go, it should not be what you study lonely. So get you some textbooks and use them in line with the past questions. It works better that way.

Lastly, don’t read wide! Don’t do it! Don’t go and be reading some long essays on your subjects, you do not need that, that’s going to waste your time. Your studying should be about points not about analysis; you are going to be tested majorly on remembrance, speed and accuracy, which means the questions you will be answering will mostly be about what you know, but the aim is to test how fast you can provide what you know rightly. So reading wide will not help you on this as the more you read is always and almost the more you forget or can't remember quickly. So focus on points not analysis. If you do these three things religiously, and you don’t allow the exam moment fright catch you, and your computer doesn’t mess things up for you at the exam hall, I'm very certain you will get over 95% of the 20 marks of the Post-UTME test. I wish you the best of luck as you try.

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Our Services for OAU Undergraduate Degrees Aspirants

Thursday, 29 October 2020


How to Avoid Delays in Your OAU Postgraduate Programme

You must have been told something or read something about how OAU is a wrong place to take a PG programme if you like your time; everyone has been told something like that, which is why it’s really hard to find a person who is not skeptical about taking a PG programme in OAU; everyone believes it’s going to be really slow. The thing is, this is mostly true, and as I have written in a previous article on this topic, OAU Postgraduate College (PGC) would give you what you let her give you, that’s just it. But for the sake of people who might be finding it difficult to understand that statement, let me from experience share some tips with you on how to avoid OAU PGC delaying you on your PG programme.

You have to know that funding is the core of the factors delaying OAU PG students on their programmes; the college’s payment system makes it difficult for your programme to move forward when you are owing the school any Kobo. For any major advancement to me made on your programme, you have to be owing the school nothing. Most of the students are always owing the school, this is why they spend several years doing a programme they are supposed to do for just 4 or 5 semesters, or even drop out of the programme; this is just the truth. To avoid this factor affecting you, you need to either already have almost all the money you will be needing for the whole semesters of the programme or have a solid means of making money so your school fees wouldn’t be a problem every time it’s time to pay. If you pay on time, you are most likely to complete the programme, and you are very likely to complete it as at when due or very close to when due.

Your availability is another factor that will define how fast or delayed your OAU PG programme would be. If you are the type that’s always gone because you are engaged in other things outside of Ife, the tendencies is too high your programme can't be completed when you ought to complete it. If you will have to travel down for your academic activities and leave as soon as you are done, it’s very impossible you’d finish your programme on time. From my personal observation, OAU PG students who stay on campus have a very good chance of finishing their programme on time, the ones who stay in and around Ife also have the fair chances of finishing on time, but the ones who have to travel from very far away to come do something about their programme in Ife are likely to not finish on time, or not even finish at all. If you have other things far from Ife which you must attend to physically every day, please plan a leave or get an assistant before joining the OAU PG programme. You don’t want to start and not finish after putting a lot of resources in the programme.

Another thing that delays people on their OAU PG programme is their research or long essay (for those who do not have to carry out a research). I'm of the thought that OAU lecturers generally like to make you think researches and long essays have to frustrate you, as the frustration is what makes the research or essay look credible to them. So whether you like it or not, you are going to be really stressed out by your supervisor(s), and this frustration is going to make you leave your work untended to a lot of times, and for every day you leave your work unattended to, you are by yourself extending how long your programme would take. Just be on your research or essay always, try to have a cordial relationship with your supervisor. Talk to people in your department and at the PGC about your programme, and seek for help every time you need one.

Sometime soon, I will be publishing more of the things to avoid so your OAU PG programme wouldn’t be delayed. Just look forward to more write-ups on this topic. And if you need to talk about anything on your interest in any OAU PG programme, contact me on +2348139534187, let’s talk about how PEC can help you facilitate your programme somehow.

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Why Most OAU Transcripts Don’t Get Sent Ever or Get Sent But Several Months After Applying

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

When you Have Changed Your Choice of Course in your UTME but the Old Course is Still Reflecting on Your OAU Post-UTME (Nairaland, google, oau, postutme, post jamb, cut off, post ume, google, deparment, jamb caps)

When you Have Changed Your Choice of Course in your UTME but the Old Course is Still Reflecting on Your OAU Post-UTME

It is very normal that between when UTME results are released and when admission offering is over, applicants will have the need to change their choices of institution or/and courses, it’s very normal. But I have to tell you that this is one of the very rampant but overlooked reasons why a lot of people lose their admission—especially when it has to do with OAU. Read me right please, changing your choices of course within OAU is not a problem at all, it only becomes a problem when you do the changing of course at a wrong time; and there are so many wrong times to change your course if you are aspiring to be offered an admission in OAU.

Let me start from what should have been the conclusion, if you have applied to OAU but you wish to change your course you chose originally, the best time to do that is between when you register for your UTME and before your Post-UTME result is released. Anytime outside when your Post-UTME results are released would mean the new course you changed to will not reflect on OAU’s portal, and if your new course doesn’t appear on OAU’s portal it means you can only have your old choice of course you changed from on your portal, and that is what OAU would use to consider you for admission. If you are not qualified for the old course that’s appearing on your page, you just might lose your chance of getting an admission offer.

This is because OAU only considers you for admission based on the department you chose, in fact the first choice of the departments you chose, not the second (the reason for this is explained in this write-up: These Things About OAU Departmental Cutoffs ). This is why many people who change their course to another course with lower cutoff after the departmental cutoffs are released and they realize they don’t have the cutoff for the original course they chose end up not getting admitted. This is because the new course will not reflect on OAU’s portal. For emphasis, OAU only receives UTME data from JAMB twice before the admission seasons is over: the first time is always before the beginning of the Post-UTME registration, and the second time is always after the Post-UTME is written and it’s time to upload results; any modified data after this time wouldn’t get to OAU.

By the way, this should let everyone who just changed their course close to when they registered for their 2020 OAU Post-UTME and the new course is not showing yet that the new course will still show; as soon as OAU receives data again from JAMB. So calm down if you in in this situation. If you are one of those people who would wait till when the departmental cutoffs are released before doing their changed of course, please don’t do this to yourself—unless of course your legs are very long. I believe you know what I mean by that.

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Our Services for OAU Undergraduate Degrees Aspirants

Thursday, 15 October 2020


 Migration Credentials Evaluation: Why Always WES?

Most people don’t get confused on which of all the evaluation bodies recognized by CIC to go for when they want to evaluate their credentials for migration purposes, reason being that you can’t just jump into wanting to process traveling abroad; you must have been talking to people about it, and when you talk to people about what you need to do on your processing, they just tell you either what they heard people did or what they have done themselves, or maybe what they plan doing when they are ready to do such thing too. So it’s like a certain set of information being passed down from generation of people with the same pursuit to another generation and so forth. It’s just rare to have a person who is really serious about their traveling processes and they don’t already know what they want to do and how they want to do it—even before they begin the process. So choosing one from all the available evaluation bodies cannot be a thing of urgency; which if you think deep about—in this case of credentials evaluation and having to choose the same evaluation body everyone chooses—this could shield you from wanting to know about other evaluation bodies and what benefits they have better than the big guns.

I have been in the business of facilitating academic and traveling documents for a while now, and I have talked to a lot of emigration aspirants who believe WES is the only credential-evaluating body, which is always funny to me—especially when they are really adamant about what they know—because there actually are dozens of other evaluation bodies that could be as beneficial as WES or even better. Having done a lot of documents facilitation for a lot of WES-loving clients and hearing feedbacks from them, I can say categorically that WES is the fastest of all the evaluation bodies recognized by the CIC right now—provided your institution doesn’t delay in getting your credentials to them. Also, it is just possible that WES is the cheapest of them all—all other things being equal (other things like: how many credentials you want to evaluate, the kind of evaluation you want to do, how you want your evaluation delivered to your institution). I guess these basically are the reasons why people often go for WES and always advise others to go for WES too, then shielding them from wanting to know what’s up with other evaluation bodies. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, sometimes, it’s just better to go with the modus operandi than try to go a strange path and then you end up being the one from whose mistake everyone would have to learn from. But then, let me still try to point out to you the good sides of a couple of credential-evaluating bodies.

Closely, IQAS is as used as WES, also, it’s almost the same cost, almost the same style of payment, but not as fast as WES. But IQAS is really better for people whose institution delay in the delivery of credentials—which is a thing with most of the Nigerian schools. This is so because if the delivery of your credential to WES has taken more than 3 months, your attention time will have to “loop” when your credential is eventually delivered—especially if it is delivered in hardcopy. Normally, the attention time for your documents is within 21 days after the delivery of the documents, but when your documents took so long to deliver, at any office, you shouldn’t expect your application to still be “right on the desk” anymore, right? This is why it will have to take more than 21 days now; it may be another 7 days added, it may be another 14 days, but there will surely be more days added to your attention time. Whereas, if you are using IQAS, no matter how long it takes your school to deliver your credential, your attention time would not have to “loop”; your 14-21 days is still your 14-21 days. So for emigration aspirants having deadlines to beat, IQAS might just be the best option of an evaluation body.

There are other CIC-recognized evaluation bodies that are not even popular at all—this could be because they suck or whatever, I can’t tell, but of them all, I can tell that the reason why ICES is not popular is not because they suck. ICES is faster than either of WES and IQAS (yes!), responsive customer services and all. Only that ICES is way more costly than WES and IQAS, as—contrary to how WES and IQAS does their charging—each document you want to evaluate at ICES will add extra charges to your expenses, which makes it that as WES and IQAS average around $200 and $210, ICES averages around $240 and $250. I know that’s a lot of difference in cost, but I'm sure you will get what you paid the extra charges for. I'm not sure of this, but I’ve been hearing ICES evaluation has wider credibility and validity, as it is a government-controlled evaluation body; this would be beneficial to emigrants who want to school over there when they get there, as it opens you to more schools and higher chances of being offered an admission.

The thing to take away from here is: it just doesn’t have to always be WES, investigate a lot of evaluation bodies before you settle for one, check out the one having the qualities that suite better what you are trying to do with your credentials and the timeline you’ve got. Also, if you need any help or information concerning your emigration processes, you can contact our 24/7 available line +2348139534187. Wishing you the best of luck in the endeavors.

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Monday, 12 October 2020


Problems You May Encounter With OAU Post-UTME Registration and the Solutions to Them

As the application for the OAU Post-UTME for the 2020/2021 applicants goes on, it has to be noted that the situations that lead to “Not Admitted” can start from as early as when the candidate is doing their registration. There are errors that could cost a candidate their good chances of being admitted—even when they have scored the good scores everywhere. You have to be meticulous about everything from the application to the submission of your exams; after all, these are parts of what the Post-UTME screening is meant to confirm—whether you indeed deserve to be admitted to OAU or not, and any mistake at all could make you unworthy of OAU. What are these mistakes? Let’s see.

First of all, if you are an applicant using “Awaiting Results” for your application, please take note that you can only be able to submit the application because you have been given a grace till 28th of November, 2020 for which you must have uploaded your results to the school’s portal. Failure to do this by then could make your screening invalid—lest OAU extends the date (especially in consideration of the SSCE candidates who just wrote their exams not quite long and they are currently awaiting their results). Just do not make the mistake of not returning to the school’s portal to upload your results; admission cannot be offered to you lest all your results are screened.

For the Direct Entry (DE) applicants, whether you will write an exam in the screening or not cannot be confirmed yet, but don’t let that stop you from preparing as though you already know you will be writing the exam, and most importantly, if your transcripts from your previous qualification are not already delivered to OAU’s admission office, please make sure that is done as soon as possible. The DE admission is almost 100% based on the transcripts and not really on the Post-UTME results. You cannot be admitted if your transcripts are not delivered to the admission office, and in fact before the admission processes begin. If you delivered your transcripts or you are delivering it by yourself, be sure it is delivered to the appropriate office. If your previous school has delivered it or is delivering it for you, please find time to go to the admissions office to confirm the delivery, or you find someone who could do that for you. Whichever way, just make sure you confirm that your transcripts are delivered to the school. For JUPEB DE applicants, your JUPEB results must be submitted to the admissions office; most JUPEB applicants don’t know this, they just do the registration and keep expecting admission and not get admitted in the end.

If you can escape any of these mistakes, you are one step closer to being offered an admission. Just be smart with every other thing you would be doing concerning your admission and everything will be alright. And if you need any assistant, any information on your admission processes, don’t hesitate to contact +2348139534187.

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Our Services for OAU Undergraduate Degrees Aspirants:

Thursday, 8 October 2020


OAU Postgraduate Programmes that Slow?

The most popular thing known about the OAU PG College (PGC) is how very slow their programmes have been believed to be, this belief is even more popular than the college itself, and it spreads even wider every day that now, there can rarely be found one person that doesn’t think OAU PG programme isn’t so good with time, and this is even differently believed from the belief that OAU as a whole is slow. But is OAU PGC actually that slow? Or even any slow at all? Flow with me as I tell you things about the PGC that you might never hear from elsewhere.

Though there is just nothing you can tell anyone to convince them that OAU PGC is only portrayed to be slow, and not even slow at all, but that is just the truth. The PGC is troublesome; they will stress the bejesus out of you. If you know how to get on the troubles and stresses and beat them, they will have zero hold on your programme, but when you allow these troubles and stresses frustrate you and make you procrastinate and abandon what you should do ASAP is when everything about your programme becomes really sluggish.

Apart from the mentioned, money is another thing that makes people abscond from their programme or end it later than supposed. There was when you could run your PG programme in OAU from beginning to the end without paying a dime, only that before you are cleared for graduation, you have to have paid every dime you are owing the school up. When the college eventually stopped that kind of payment plan and attach how your programme moves forward to how you pay your school fees is when people began to have problems with the speed of their programme. This means if you are owing the school any penny, your files are not moving to the next stage, and the longer your files wait unmoving, the more time your programme takes.

Most people who come to OAU for their PG programme come because the fees are low compared to most schools, and yet, most people still don’t pay these fees promptly; they don’t pay until it’s running really late, which causes a lot of delays and turn back to affect the timeline of their programme. But bad as it gets, these people will graduate or dropout and never mention that it’s their fault that their OAU programme was delayed, they will only sing one song—the well know song: OAU PG is slow!

I have been to the college and ran a programme or two there, so I know what I'm talking about. OAU PGC has it’s many problems—I'm not disputing this, but slowing students who pay on time and do what they need to do on time is not one of them. If you want to fly, the college helps you fly, if you want to crawl, the college helps you crawl; that’s how it works here. The OAU PGC is not even affected by most of the things that affect OAU as a whole—not strike, not even an elongated academic calendar. Even during the holidays, you are still running something on your programme. So there is no such thing as the school is on strike so my programme is affected.

If you like to go to OAU PGC for a programme, don’t let what people say about the college discourage you; just make sure you already have your money for how many semesters your programme would run, or you have a sure source of generating such money, so it just comes as soon as you need it. If you do this and do your work diligently, and have a fruitful relationship with your supervisors, your 4-semester programme will end at 4 semesters—I promise you, or at most 5 semesters, and that would be in case you encounter some problems along the line.

If you want to know more about OAU Postgraduate College, OAU PG programmes, or you need any help on anything relating to the college and PG admissions, and the processing of transcripts too, or the delivering of your application documents to the PGC and your department, you can contact me on +2348139534187.

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How to Avoid Delays in Your OAU Postgraduate Programme

Monday, 5 October 2020


These Things about OAU Departmental Cutoffs

If you are an OAU aspirant or a relative of one, at some point just after the UTME or after the Post-UTME, you will definitely type something like “OAU cutoff mark” in the Google search engine, just because you want to know your admission fate or that of your ward. This is okay, only that most people don’t get to know OAU has never and will never have a departmental cutoff for a particular admission year until after the Post-UTME has been done and the results analyzed. This means if you are a 2020/2021 OAU aspirant, you have to know that whatever cutoff you’ve been seeing everywhere online cannot just be the cutoff OAU is using this admission year.

However, you can use the genuine ones of the spreading cutoffs as a guide to help you know what the cutoff of your choice of department circles around per admission year. Though while you do this too, you still have to be very careful—especially if you are still preparing for the Post-UTME—so that you will not see cutoffs from long ago that’s making you feel like your admission is already assured so you don’t need to work harder in preparation for the Post-UTME; there are years when some internal and external factors will cause a great hike on the cutoff of a particular department. Example of such years and factors was when the Faculty of Law lost their NUC accreditation, and thousands of people who choose Ife Law every year had to choose English Language now—to join the already-too-much applicants who originally choose English Language every year because they don’t want to go to another school for Law—causing the total applicants for English to be too much, and needing to be cut down by all means, then resulting in English Language having the cutoff that’s competing with that of Medicine and Surgery. If any applicant had relaxed because they’ve seen online that the cutoff of English Language is always around 60% and they had already gotten the good O/Level and UTME score points, then the cutoff for the year comes out and it turns out to be 80%, wouldn’t that be a problem?

So, when you see all these cutoffs online released even before the Post-UTME is written, just kindly understand that: first, they are likely to not be genuine, and when they are genuine, they are definitely from the past and most definitely not the cutoff your department would use this current admission year. I repeat, OAU will never release the departmental cutoff until after the Post-UTME is written and the results analyzed. In fact, it is from this results analysis they get the cutoff of each department from, and the formula for getting it is: TAS/TNC=AS


TAS = total aggregate scores (gotten by adding what all the candidates who choose this department scored in their aggregate)

TNC = total number of candidates who chose this department and participated in the screening).

AS = average score (which would be the cutoff for the particular department this calculation is carried out for).

This system of getting the cutoff is why OAU does not like to consider the candidates who change their choice of course after the Post-UTME has been written and the results have been released for admission to the new department they changed to, and also they don’t like to consider for another department the candidates who didn’t make the cutoff for a department they chose (unless a slot is used for such person). All these happen because it would affect the credibility and validity of the system of getting the cutoff such department is using. It might even affect two departments—the department the candidate changed from and the department the candidate changed to.

If this article was insightful enough to help you in anyway, please share with your friends who might need to know this too. If you have anything you need to know more about OAU admission or you need any help on it, you can contact us on +2348139534187. Remember to submit your email address in the box at the top of this page so you can be getting our updates delivered to your inbox as soon as we publish them. Wishing you the best of success in the admission processes.

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On the 2021 OAU Post-UTME, Cutoff Marks andAdmission 

Thursday, 24 September 2020


OAU Admission: Who Gets it Who Doesn't

This article is definitely going to be my most unnecessary article ever; because seriously, I have no need to make any article of this kind. I should feel less-concerned about who applies to OAU with about 100,000 more applicants and eventually gets admitted to be among the just about-7,000-to-11,000 applicants OAU admits per admission session. But considering the figures I just stated about how many JAMB applicants OAU has per year and the tiny number of them OAU admits per year, it becomes necessary that someone cares enough to give out tips on what to do and what not to do to get admitted to OAU. Oh, lest I forget, when I said only about 7,000 to 11,000 applicants are admitted per year, I said that to include the UTME applicants, the Direct Entry applicants, and of course the Pre-Degree applicants. If you understand what that means you’ll understand we are talking about the do-whatever-you must-do-to-get-admitted kind of competition here; and this is why I'm making this write-up. You know, many of the applicants just choose OAU in their applications and not even reason the competition they are about to get into. Some of these applicants believe so much in their A-and-B-parallel O/Level results, and their high scores in the UTME and Post-UTME screening. They—because of these—apply for the admission and start acting like their admission is assured. They become obnoxious and impossible to instruct; they just feel within themselves like they have all it takes to be in OAU, and they act just that way.

But unfortunately for them, their guts fail them most of the times. As an educational consultant, this is why I prefer to deal with my candidates’ parents and not the candidates. Not just because the parents are mature, more careful and meticulous, but also because the parents have the understanding that a lot is happening in our educational system that is very different from what they were used to; so—they for this reason—calm down and listen to instructions and indeed observe the instructions meticulously. That is why it is arguable that applicants who have parents who are involved in their admission processing most of the times get the admission. In this kind of situation, I always say such candidate gets the admission not because of his/her smartness, nor because of his/her high scores, but because of his/her parents who are meticulous, curious and desperate to make sure their child gets admitted by all means. To talk from experience, most of the applicants are always over-confident and—they too often—consider themselves smarter than the consultant who has been in the business of admission processing for years with a very rich year-in-year-out experience on the school they are trying to get into; and this is why many of them become confused when all the admission lists are released and their names are not on any of the lists despite the high scores they hold.

I always say, it is one thing to have high scores, it is another thing to deserve OAU admission. Deserving OAU admission requires knowing OAU or having someone who does. I'm saying, OAU is very predictable, but it takes knowing the school or having someone who does to get the predictions right. Candidates who depend so much on their own knowledge of OAU—most of the times—don’t get admitted! Candidates who depend so much on the information and instructions they get online and on those Whatsapp groups end up losing their chances of getting admitted to doing something they are not asked by the institution to do; but because someone they met online did it, they just go ahead and do it too. I must not forget to talk about people who apply to the highly competitive departments like Medicine, Law, Accounting, Economics, Nursing, and after applying go ahead relenting and relying on their high scores to get them the admission. With a straight face now, if you are one of such candidates, I'm saying: forget your high score! Okay? Forget your high score, and don’t mind them when they say you don’t have to know people to get admitted to OAU; believe me, that notion is not meant for anyone who wants to get into the highly competitive courses. These highly competitive departments are where the children of the people who drink and flex with the authorities want to enter; and believe me you, whether these children get the cutoff or not is never an issue, they get in somehow! They get in to make it harder for the ones who know nobody but score higher to get admitted; and that’s what makes getting into these departments highly competitive.

Don’t forget these lines I have used in this article because they were carefully used to pass a serious message: one, OAU admission is competitive, getting it takes determination, being meticulous, and the will to do and offer anything to get the admission. Two, getting admission to Medicine, Law, Accounting, Economics, Nursing, Dentistry is—in that order—highly competitive, it takes only the fierce, the desperate, and the one who is willing to do and offer anything to get it—especially when the professors in the administration of the  institution are not your persons. My blunt conclusion is: if you want to be admitted to any of the departments mentioned above, your high score is only about 10% relevant here; who you know, and how they can help you is what is 90% relevant. If you do not observe what I just said about getting admitted to study in OAU, your chances of getting admitted is almost 0%. If you do not observe what I just said about getting admitted to the highly competitive departments, your chances of getting admitted is flatly 0%—no matter how high your score is. Lastly, if you think you are experienced than the educational consultant who has been in the system for several years, I can only hope you don’t end up wasting your high score and one whole year of your academic life.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Three Important Things You Have to Know if You are Seeking Admission to OAU for the 2020/2021 Academic Session 1 (TAGS: oau, nairaland, postutme, postjamb, google, post ume, cutoff, cut off mark, admission, obafemi awolowo university, ife, campus, admission news, oau aspirant, oau website,


Three Important Things You Have to Know if You are Seeking Admission to OAU for the 2020/2021 Academic Session 1

Being a serious admission seeker or a concerned parent of an admission seeker, you just want to make sure you know what you ought to know and on time, and believe me, this is a very good thing; it’s one of the things that separate the majority of the applicants who will not get admitted in the end from applicants who will get admitted. So if you are an admission seeker or a parent of one, and you are really restless about it and really hungry for prompt and genuine information, just know that you are doing something right already. However, if the admission you are or your ward is seeking for is to OAU (which sets in some peculiar situations and factors) and also, it’s for the 2020/2021 academic session (which also sets in even more situations and factors based on the effects of the pandemic on academic activities), here are three more things you just need to know and work on if you want to be successful with the admission:

1). The Danger of Big UTME Score

Scoring high in the UTME is a very good thing; there is this feeling you get when you or your ward already have a score that looks more than enough for the course they chose, but the danger comes in when this feeling brings in what I call the Too-Early-Celebration factor (TEC factor), and most of the times, this happen to people who score high in the UTME. The TEC factor is when your confidence in your score or your ward’s score assures you too much of an admission for your ward and you just relax about everything and wait for the good news about the admission to come to you. This blocks you from realizing that a perfect UTME score alone is not what it requires to gain any admission at all, and when it comes to OAU, what it requires gets even more, and when it’s a session that’s coming after a lot the pandemic has caused to the education industry, you just have to be on your toes even than ever.

This TEC factor is why most people who score 250 upwards end up not getting any admission at all; they feel okay with their score that they don’t know if they need to change courses, or if they need to work even harder to have a better Post-UTME score, or if they need to start looking for help even before writing the Post-UTME, or if there are inside information peculiar to their choices of course which are never announced by the school or department but they really need to know them and do them for them to earn the admission. Whereas people with the 200 to 230-or-so UTME scores already know there is problem, and they have to do some things so this problem wouldn’t sabotage their chances of been admitted. This is why most admitted students are always between the 200 and 240 UTME scores; they have no confidence in that UTME score so they can’t relax and wait for admission to come knocking at their doors, they run after it!

If you have scored high in the UTME, avoid the TEC factor by all means. In fact, new things will come up this time because of the effects of the pandemic, familiarize yourself with the school and your aspired department to be on the wave, and not under it, and prepare even harder to score even higher in the post-UTME; trust me, when everything is added together, no score is too high. Watch out for the part two of this write-up.

Friday, 18 September 2020

How Pathfinders Edu Consultancy (PEC) Got Here

How Pathfinders Edu Consultancy (PEC) Got Here

After quite a number of good years in business with a couple of challenges faced and conquered, and a couple of successes, we decided to take our people who don’t know how PEC came to be through how we grew from OAU Updates ( that functioned as a campus community blog site to what we are now. Watch the story in the video below.

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Our Services for OAU Undergraduate Degrees Aspirants

OAU Postgraduate College Admission Form for Harmattan Semester 2019/2020 Session Still Out (TAGS: NAIRALAND, GOOGLE, OAU, POST GRADUATE, POSTGRADUATE, PG, PG SCHOOL, REGISTRATION, FORM, PG COLLEGE, TRANSCRIPTS)

OAU Postgraduate College Admission Form for Harmattan Semester 2019/2020 Session Still Out

For the graduates that have been waiting for OAU to commence registration for the Rain Semester 19/20 session, and it was looking like no form is going to be on sale again this year because of the pandemic, well, some departments have gone back to selling forms for the Harmattan Semester 19/20 session.

Don’t be confused on that information up there, what I'm trying to say is that the Harmattan Semester 19/20 form was already closed last year and in fact some applicants for the said semester were already offered admission and some already resumed before the school had to close because of the pandemic, and now some departments have gone back to selling form for the Harmattan Semester, and that will not stop the form for the Rain Semester from coming on sale when it is ready too.

So if you want to resume with the applicants that will be resuming school as soon as the pandemic closedown is over, this form is the form for you to apply with. Just check if your desired programme is among the available programmes. Check the available programmes here , and if you need any help in filling the form or in submitting your documents to the PG College and to your department, you can contact me so I can do all that for you for you. If you need help with your transcripts too, call me on +2348139534187, let’s talk on making things possible and fast for you. I wish you well in the endeavour.

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How to Avoid Delays in Your OAU Postgraduate Programme

Now that the Registration for OAU’s 2019/2020 Post-UTME Registration is About to Start (TAGS: NAIRALAND, GOOGLE, OAU, POST JAMB, POSTUTME, DIRECT ENTRY, DE, OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, IFE, JAMB, UTME)

Now that the Registration for OAU’s 2019/2020 Post-UTME Registration is About to Start

The long-awaited OAU Post-UTME is here and it feels really good with every one of us in the academic businesses, just as it should feel good with the candidates that will be sitting for the exam too. To us, it means we will have to go back to work after several months of being out of work, and for the candidates, it should mean, well, mid next year is still feasible for their resumption when they are admitted for the 2019/2020 session. So it’s worth all the happiness (see the official release below).

But the happiness aside, how prepared are you as a candidate for the exam? You’ve probably abandoned your books for a while now, and the pandemic wouldn’t allow you attend a tutorial in preparation for the exam, and OAU would not because of these make the exam any easier. How are you going to prepare for the exam in this very short time left for you? You have nothing much to worry about on this, Pathfinders Edu. Consultancy (PEC) is here for you.

PEC will be organizing a lot of marathon study periods and night periods starting from Monday 21st, September, 2020 using venues on OAU campus so as to feel safe and be able to monitor and control the students, using the campus security. This marathon study periods and night sessions will be anchored by deeply experienced and renowned tutors in the city of Ife and invited subject specialists from Lagos, as well as the authors of OAU exam guides. If you are not staying around Ife, you should have nothing to worry about on this, as we will be providing conducive hostel rooms for every candidates coming from outside of Ife (see picture of the like of our hostel rooms below).

Every candidate is welcome no matter where they are coming from, all you need to bring to Ife are: yourself, your books, your cloths, your tuition fees, your hostel fee, your credential and some money for feeding, when these are sorted, please leave the rest to us; training you to acing the Post-UTME and guiding your admission processes till you are admitted is our own function, and we will deliver. If you are interested in this, please call +2348139534187 now to know more about the tutorial programmes.

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Our Services for OAU Undergraduate Degrees Aspirants

Monday, 14 September 2020

Approaching the Exams

Approaching the Exams

Talking of the higher institutions of learning, the exams, and the students; there are always two categories of students I know: students who go to meet the exams, and those who wait for the exams to come shock them. Actually, the difference between the two categories wouldn’t matter; but the results always tell the category every student belongs. Haven't spent more-than-several sessions in the higher institution of learning at different levels—one as crazy as OAU for instance—I have found reasons to understand what differentiates the two kinds of students mentioned above. But for those who are students of higher learning (OAU especially) and are yet to get what I'm trying to dish out here, then let’s make it a little clearer: we—actually—are trying to talk about how you wouldn't really know what you’re doing wrong in any semester to make your results for that semester look bad until the semester is gone; and that—my OAU reader—is the OAU culture. However, any student of any other higher institution in Nigeria should already get what I’m talking about too. But if you fall in this group and you haven't, then let us continue in the discussion so you catch up with us along the line. Writing this, I mean to remind you (the OAU students especially) of the moments you resume in the new semester and then the results are released, and then you start to realize those things you did last semester that you shouldn’t have done, and those you should have but didn’t do, and those you did but didn’t do as they were to be done. I believe you can relate now.

Going back to the thought of the two kinds of students we have in the higher institutions of learning and how they go to beat the exams or how the exams come to beat them; it would be agreeable that students who go to the exams are the ones who are always heart-and-soul prepared to get to it already and ace it like it's as easy as drinking akamu with moin-moin: while the students who wait for the exams to come are always the procrastinating ones—the ones who don’t like the thought of the exams approaching, the ones who are always caught unaware, the ones who strive so hard to keep the grades up, only to land on C’s and D’s at the end of it all.

What's the point of telling you all these you already know; you may want to ask; and I’d be glad to bring it to your awareness that it will only seem as if you know the kind of student you are—the one who approaches the exams or the one who just prefer to wait for the exams to come, but seriously, you can barely know the kind of student you are in a semester until the results of that semester are seen. However, it can’t be that it's totally impossible to have at least some hints about the kind of student you are—there are always cheats on knowing what seems unknowable, and these are some pointers specially gathered based on the OAU exam culture for the concerned students to use as the simple yardsticks for determining which category of students they belong—goer or waiter. Let’s do just three-or-so of them here:

(1). The OAU exams begin in just few days from now; so, if you—as an OAU student—are still watching the series movies as heavy as your notes are right now, and as much piled-up-for you-to-cram-or-understand materials you have with you right now, then you obviously belong in the category of the waiting students. Red-flag this!

(2). With the exams fast-approaching you right now like rockets approach the moon, if you’re just getting in the mood of studying hard right now—because the exams are just few days away and you are just getting the motivation to study; you definitely are a waiting student. Red-flag this too.

(3). If many of your assignments you were given this semester were done just few minutes or even hours to when they were to be submitted; you already know the category of students you belong. So, red-flag this already. So, to sum up the pointers listed, it has to be mentioned that if—as an OAU student with the exams running so fast towards you right now—you, everything about you, and everything you do still seem just as normal as they have always been; then I’m afraid for your grades when they begin to surface early next semester—no jokes here. Because by now, everyone and everything else around you—other than your books and materials—should already be missing your attention so much. The so-much of your attention right now should be given to nothing else but everything that’ll help you get the best of grades you should get in the exams. For the series-movie-addicted students, you should be so much into your books and materials right now that even you yourself forget you’ve not seen any movie recently. This is little but we are trusting you’ll be able to make something big out of it; like, what are you a student of any higher institution of learning for if you cannot make this little message pass a bigger message to you? All in all, we wish you all the best in the forthcoming exams. Go humor your examiners!

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The Night Before

The Night Before (The Remake of Unburning the Night Candles)

I long time ago wrote an article I titled “Unburning the Night Candles”, but unfortunately I just cannot find it anywhere this time I’m ready to publish it (for the exam-writing OAU students); so I thought of making this one to be a remake of the lost “Unburning the Night Candles”. I will however make sure this one is only similar to what’s in the lost article and not exactly what's in it; so that when I finally find it I could still publish it too (I'm sure I will find it, I’m too meticulous about everything to lose anything I write), because really, that article should be published; it’s that awesome.

The lost article was written to clear the myth of having to burn the night candles for you to qualify for excellence in your exams. Though this one is meant to talk about something like that too, but it’s not that much of standing against having to burn the night candles to excel in an exam; I just—with this—want to try making some things clearer about people making it seem as though if you don’t read all night the night before your paper, you cannot perform to your best. In fact, to my personal knowledge, the case is the other way round. Going straight to the exam halls from a sleepless night could make you perform lower than your best; and that’s in fact the situation in most cases. You can start relating this to the Efficiency Theory now, if you know Psychology.

Though it may be true that after studying all night the night before your paper, you are all charged up and full of stuff to download for your examiner, but then, there is something called “The Rhythmic Functionality of the System”; every system—no matter what kind they are respond to this rhythm in their functions. I'm saying: having so much in your head is not enough; having to express what you have in your head to the best is essential too. In terms of writing exams and preparing for one, what you have loaded has to be offloaded, rightly, and to its best (talking about bringing quickness, creativity, and correctness together), so as to open you to the best outcome. Saying that, factors that could deter you from offloading what you have loaded to its best become things to discuss; and a sleepless night before your paper is one of them. Students who wait, and the over-anxious students are the ones who always have to be up all night stressing all their senses to stay awake the night before their paper. The ones who wait for the 23rd hour to start preparing, and when it’s just a very short time left for them to go write their paper, they start pushing the body system to hard. Too, the ones who are over-anxious are always going about thinking they have not studied enough, so they’ll keep studying till they have spent the whole night sleepless. The eyes will war all night to remain open—even when they so want to be closed—so as the rest of the senses that should be at rest through the night. Hence, they start being in the need for the rest they missed last night, even when you so need them to be efficient to their best in the exam.

Sometimes, the senses may not rush the demand for the rest you didn’t give them when they should have it, all because you are still anxious about the exam and all; but it will always tell on their effectiveness even when you feel you are alright inside-out. The human system—and any other system for that matter—is meant to follow a certain established order to function and function efficiently. If any part of this order is missed anyhow, functionality will certainly be affected. Biologically, the human system is programmed to refresh itself at its due time, if the due time is missed, it will tell, first on the functionality of the most affected part of the system, and later on the whole of the system. If you put your brain to rush just because you still have so much you have to cover to be ready for the paper you have tomorrow, it will tell on your retention and remembrance, and even on your creativity; those are some psychological stuff you should take serious if you want to excel in any exam. The body system just has to shut down when it has to, so as to be back to function even better when it is rebooted.

It will take only the smart ones to understand that burning all the candles all night the night before a paper is not the best. The smart ones prepare ahead so when the exam is nearer, when the exam is just few hours coming, they get to let the senses rest to their best. They let the brain decide on what it wants—whether to study even more or relax, they don’t push it. Be a smart one, understand what's best for your system and what can spur it into functioning to its best to drive you into the best of your performance in your exams. You will be surprised how recalling and creative you can get—all just because you gave your brain and senses—in due time—what they like to have—rest.

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Do We Really Need the Post-UTME?

Do We Really Need the Post-UTME?

I argued somewhere sometime that JAMB should be scrapped, and that argument made a lot of my listeners roar in disagreements. But let me place the argument here, just for the purpose of clarity and persistence. I say again, JAMB should be scrapped! This position is not because I have any contempt for JAMB, but because I strongly believe we do not really need JAMB when it was created, what we needed was the strengthening of the O/Level examination body—WAEC, and its functions, and same thing applies to how we started post-UTME when what we needed was to strengthen JAMB and its functions. Below are my arguments.

Firstly, Nigeria—instead of reviving what's not efficient as we expect it to be or need it to be—just always like to go about starting another one. That’s why I said JAMB was not what we needed when it was created, but because we don’t so much know how to strengthen and/or revive our institutions, hence, it seem to us like the best thing to do is start another institution when one is somewhat down or not doing enough. Another instance apart from the examination-body instance is the creation of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) when the real thing we needed to do was to strengthen the traffic department of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), and widen their functions even to the highways. But everyone in the Nigerian government just always wants to start something of their own, something that would be attached to the successes of their administration; hence, the creation of JAMB when WAEC only needed to be stronger, and starting of Post-UTME when the JAMB was supposed to be strengthened.

My second argument against JAMB, UTME and Post-UTME is: only very few countries—even in Africa—have these sorts of exams they write to qualify for admission into the higher institutions of learning. Most of the countries in the world just write application letters or some essay and send it to their choice of school and expect mails from the school telling them of whether they are admitted or not. It’s that simple! But it’s funny that our own Nigeria of over 170 million people—with over 40% of the population lacking the read-and-write skills and over 60% of them not having the higher education—would still continue making getting admission and retaining it near-impossible. Getting to the higher institutions here is like going to a bow war—you have to put beyond your all in it to win, all because the candidates must be screened to determine whether they deserve to be admitted or not, and whether they can cope or not with what the higher institutions would do to them should they eventually gain the admission. And this is where it gets even confusing, because the Nigerian government is always claiming they want to curb the rate of illiteracy in the county, but then, they are always also making policies that contradict that objective. And then, my rhetorical questions at this point are: are UTME and the Post-UTME capable of telling who deserves to be admitted? Are they capable of telling who could do well in school should they be admitted? Sincerely, my position would be: no, they aren’t!

I won't criticize UTME and Post-UTME so meanly that I forget they—especially the latter—have been able to reduce the rate of students who go on probation per session, and the rate of students who get the advice to withdraw from the school because they cannot do well in their studies; and believe me, these seem to be the biggest—if not the only—achievements the exams have obviously achieved. And to unfortunately spoil the achievements, the exams do more harm than the good they do to the country’s literacy level. There are so many students per year who get denied of admission because they couldn’t do well in the exams, but end up being gurus later on when they finally gained the admission by chance (of which I myself is a very good example). There are also students who someway somehow got to score high marks in the exams, gained admission, but couldn’t do well in the higher institution. And believe me, that’s because the exams only test 3 or 4 aspects of learning (retention, remembrance, speed and arguably how well the candidates can guess right) at the expense of the most important one the higher institutions really need—potential.

Though the exams pretend they test the potential of the candidate in relation to what they can do in the higher institution and how well they can do in the school, but they just aren’t ever testing for these, they just test who should or should not be admitted based on how high they have scored and leave the schools to use other criteria such as: who you know, how much money you have, and what other thing you can give to define if you deserve to be admitted or not. It makes the exams not needed really. The Post-UTME on its own has over the years being a source of generating revenue for the institutions; in fact more attention is paid to the revenue generating aspect of the screening process than the real thing the screening should be doing. It’s like the institutions are allowed (legally) to take advantage of the students’ urge and the need to get admitted, coupled with their ignorance of how the admission are really given; that’s why the institutions would advertise that students with certain score in the UTME exam should come apply for the Post-UTME without telling them that the course they have applied for would take more than the certain score they advertise. Institution like OAU for instance would call students with 200 scores in the UTME to come do the Post-UTME screening, but not endeavor to tell them that a person who has scored just 200 can never be admitted to study courses like Accounting, Economics, Law, Medicine and the likes of them—even if the candidate has chosen any of these. They will be asked to apply to the Post-UTME even with exploitative prices, and yet not be admitted later on as they finally get to realize they have only scored 200 but the 200 cannot get them into school.

It’s just too depressing that even the higher institutions that are supposed to be teaching against exploitations are the ones doing it the most, all in the scheme of generating revenue and screening applicants. So, do these make it seem like we really need UTME and the Post-UTME?

A counter-argument was placed against my position on Facebook where—prior to this—I have argued about why we don’t need the UTME and Post-UTME; the nice man argued that without the Post-UTME the schools would only be admitting shabby students and be producing shabby graduates. Based on the fact that the level of exam malpractices in UTME now is near zero, he argued that the exam is doing the right thing in scoring out who can be admitted and who cannot. Yes, I agree, JAMB has achieved so much when it comes to UTME and credibility; they really have, and that is commendable. But I can also argue that neither the credibility of UTME nor that of the Post-UTME is a primary determinant of the kinds of graduates the schools will produce; neither is it a guarantee that the schools are admitting the “promising” students. I believe if the O/Level exams are fostered too—just as the UTME is fostered—they will do better in defining which student deserves to be admitted or not, and how they would do in school when admitted; and in fact, they could even be used in placing the students to departments where they can do better. But then, the government is yet to figure out if they want the schools to be educating or exploiting. Come to think of it, needing to go through like three stages of exams to get into the higher institution; exams you will have to pay huge sums of money for, what effect would it have on trying to curb illiteracy in the country? This is all I thought to make me conclude we really do not need UTME or the Post-UTME. All we need to do is make WAEC and NECO better and widen their functions.

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