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Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Seventh Day Adventist Hospital Ife School of Nursing Form

 Seventh Day Adventist Hospital Ife School of Nursing Form

If you stumbled upon this write-up it has to be you’ve been trying to get some needed and current information about the School of Nursing form/application of Seventh Day Adventist Hospital Ife and you have not been able to get any or a current one. This has been a problem many aspirants of the School of Nursing (SON) face. Even as an educational consultancy, when we have clients who consult us to know about SDA Ife’s School of Nursing admission, it always boils down to having to visit the hospital/school before we can get the needed information, and this is not a good thing. In a 2024 when everything is based on information and publicity, it is not a good thing that an entity as profound as SDA Ife School of Nursing doesn’t have a solid publicity—especially about their admissions. It is understandable that they have limits to the number of applicants they can admit so they probably don’t want to bother putting the adverts out there to attract too many applicants they wouldn’t be able to admit most of, but it is still okay for an entity that is growth-centric to expand, make more revenue, and give opportunities to broader population.

SDA Hospital Ife School of Nursing need to give answers to hundreds of their aspirants out there who want to apply to the school. Your nursing training has been confirmed excellent over the years and that should mean that you create the opportunity for more people to join the school, one way to do this is to create a proper channel for your aspirants to know when your form is out. At the very least have a website where applicants can apply instead of having to call somebody and the manual bank payment procedures you use; technology has gone beyond how you use it. Even small businesses/entities than yours are having proper payment channels and information channels now; you are too big for the payment channel you current use and how you advertise your School of Nursing admissions. I would advise you create a small unit for the hospital and SON to be in charge of media, information and publicity; you can afford to employ two or three experts in web services, media design and editing, and writing to be in this unit, and they would handle all your web/internet services for you. You would be surprised how easier things get for you, your students/aspirants/applicants and patients when this is done. Your revenue would even get better, and this might, on the long-run, bring good publicity to the SDA-Ife ministry.