“Transfer Approval” and “Admission
Eligibility" Newly Introduced on CAPS: The Possible Effects
JAMB insists the
reason for the introduction of CAPS is to monitor all admission processes, to
make sure that: applicants can only get an admission they are qualified for;
and no applicant can get multiple admissions while there are others looking for
one. Judging by how JAMB has been
introducing new functions on CAPS every now and then, one can have the
impression that JAMB knows what they are doing with CAPS just as they knew what
they were doing when they introduced all sort of things like biometrics, CBT,
CCTV watch in exam halls and so on, to UTME just to eradicate the malpractice
of the exam. We all know how candidates used to have issues knowing whether their
O/Levels were uploaded to CAPS during registration or not, and how since JAMB introduced
the O/Level sections on CAPS, everyone can just click on the function to see whether
their O/Levels are there on the web or not; see how that has been made easy. But
as good as the strives of JAMB is on CAPS and the introduction of the newest
function on CAPS—Transfer Approval and Admission Eligibility, what effects
would these functions have on the applicants—OAU aspirants especially?
The introduction of
Transfer Approval is good for aspirants of OAU, as usually, OAU doesn’t automatically offer applicants admission
to a department they have not applied to. Please notice the emphasis on
automatically, because I said that to mean unless you are using a slot or
something like that, if you are not qualified for the course you have chosen, OAU
will not consider you for another course which you are qualified for. And I must
say here again that the course OAU considers you for is always the course on
your application as at when the Post-UTME registration begins. Although
previously, it used to be the course on your application as at when Post-UTME results
are released, which means candidate used to have the opportunity to change
courses after writing their Post-UTME before their results are released, and
the new course will be the one to appear on their OAU portal (instead of the
old course), which is what they would be considered for admission on. This is
because OAU used to take data from JAMB more than once, unlike now that OAU takes
data from JAMB just once. It means whatever you have on your JAMB portal by
when Post-UTME registration begins will be what will appear on your OAU portal,
which is what you will be considered for.

But with JAMB’s
introduction of Transfer Approval, JAMB can independently transfer a candidate
from one department (they are not qualified for) to another department they may
have the qualifications of, so they can be processed for such department. This is
very good, but not good for OAU aspirants who slots are used for to a course
with a cutoff higher than their score. It would only mean slots can barely work
anymore—which is very bad. Slots can now work for aspirants only when they are
not qualified for the course they have on their portal and they don’t want the
course JAMB is trying to transfer them to, so they are given a slot to another
department which they also must be qualified for, which is the only way slots
will work henceforth. This is good for business as a tutorial master, as our tutorial
candidates can now have higher hopes of admission without having to use a slot,
but bad for business as a runsman as we don’t get to have so much candidates
needing slots anymore. But whichever way, we are still happy as the primary
goal here is that our candidates are admitted.

The introduction of
Admission Eligibility to CAPS is the newest function to add to the web, and I can
already tell it’s a very good one. Good one because aspirants and their wards
won’t have to wait on an admission that will never be given again. You just
check your eligibility for the course you are under consideration for, and if
you don’t have three green boxes carrying yes, yes and yes in them, you already
know you can’t be offered admission to that course, this is when you need a
slot—the only place left which slots can still work. Your slot person will just
need to get a slot for you to another department which cutoff you beat; you see
how easy it suddenly got to process admission? You are carried along in every
process, instead of being left in the dark as it used to be years ago. Kudos to
JAMB. But if you are an aspirant currently on slots, it’s advisable you talk to
your slot person ASAP to know how the new development will be affecting you or
has affected you, and re-strategize on the new thing to do.