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Monday, 24 February 2020

Solution to Your Transcripts Issues with OAU and ETX, Our Job at Pathfinders Edu. Consultancy

Solution to Your Transcripts Issues with OAU and ETX, Our Job at Pathfinders Edu. Consultancy
You are on this page either because you want to request for your transcripts from OAU and you want to know how to go about that to escape all the stress and delays you have heard and read about, or you have already requested for the transcripts but it’s taking too long to be delivered to where you need them and you need to do something fast so you don’t miss an opportunity. If any of these is the reason why you are reading this, then rest assured you are on the right website and here is where you find the solution to every issue you need to attend to about your transcripts from the level of requesting for them to the level of delivery, and also to the level of verification of the evaluated results (if that applies to you.)
Pathfinders Edu Consultancy (PEC) also helps you in doing your clearance in school, we can help you collect your certificate and get them couriered to you wherever you are or to the institution where you need them. When you need your certificate stamped and signed by the school (certificate verification) we can help you do that and get the verified certificate forwarded back to you or to the institution where you need it. We also can help you get your English Proficiency attestation from the school. In fact, whatever it is you need to do that is within OAU, you can always depend on PEC for swift response and fast delivery. We have been doing this since 2011, so it is okay to believe we are good at what we do and we are the best at it.
Patronize us today to have us help you achieve what you want to achieve in OAU without you having to move a muscle. You can call or text our 24/7 available line: 08139534187, or email us:

Monday, 17 February 2020


OAU, JAMB, CAPS Admission Statuses and Acceptance Fees: The Dysfunctions
Obviously, the relationship between OAU and JAMB on their shared functions of offering admissions and approving the admissions offered is not working well for OAU right now. OAU has always been the last school to offer admission to her aspirants and have them resume school, but things have already gone beyond slow this year because now after the schools’ offering of the provisional admissions, JAMB will still have to scrutinize the candidates’ qualifications for the provisional admissions offered to them to make sure they earn the admission either by merit or somehow else. But OAU was again and expectedly slow to offer the provisional admissions and upload them to JAMB portal when other schools in the country were doing theirs, now JAMB has been so busy with the 2020 UTME activities that they barely have the time to do anything on CAPS for the 2019 session. This is why so many of the statuses of OAU applicants are yet to change at all since the beginning of the year’s admission processes, even when the registration for the 2020 UTME is about to be closed.
As planned in the academic calendar released earlier on, OAU started the payment of Acceptance Fee last week, which led to a lot of complaints at the OAU admissions office by applicants who are due for admission but are yet to be congratulated on CAPS.  The school had to stop the payment of the Acceptance Fee again because it became obvious to them that even many of the candidates whose admission are with the Second Batch are yet to be approved for admission by JAMB—even when OAU had offered them the provisional admission. In fact the admitted names OAU uploaded on their e-portal the same week they started the payment of Acceptance Fee are only names on the First Batch of admission, which means the few names on the Second Batch that have been approved for admission by JAMB cannot see their names on OAU portal yet as admitted, and they can’t make any payment as admitted students. All these can only mean that OAU applicants will still have to be patient. I don’t know how OAU wants to fasten this processing of the rest of the Second Batch and the whole of the Third Batch in just this little time left, but I now it’s either they fasten the admission processes up really fast or they postpone the date they had initially fixed for resumption—the latter is however most likely to be the case, because there is no way the resumption would go on anyways while many qualified candidates are yet to be approved for admission.
Like I always say at this time of every OAU’s admission year, please if you are still waiting on OAU and JAMB to work on your admission, it is advisable you obtain another UTME form for yourself just to be on the safe side. Because it would be unfortunate if UTME registration closes and OAU ends up not offering you an admission. You should know OAU’s admission processing can’t be assured by 100% no matter what kind of processing you are using. Unless your CAPS already says “ADMISSION IN PROGRESS, PLEASE CHECK BACK LATER”, if anyone assures you 100% that you will be admitted, they are only bluffing! I mean, they may be so sure you will be admitted, but a genuine person would have at least a little doubt, and that little doubt should be enough to let you know that you should register for another UTME to be on the safer side. If you are eventually offered an admission, the money you spent on registering for another UTME wouldn’t kill you.

Monday, 10 February 2020


Updates on OAU’s Undergraduate Admission
This is the time when everyone starts to hear different things about OAU’s admission—some of which could be true, but they mostly are fabricated by people who don’t know what’s actually going on and people who are really anxious about their admission processing and would say anything about the admission processes and make it sound like the most official statement. I will start clearing some rumors currently going around about OAU’s undergraduate admission—involving UTME and DE applicants. While my next write-up would be to clear the rumors about OAU’s postgraduate admission—involving PGD, Masters, MSc, MPhil, PhD and MBA.
I must importantly tell the undergraduates that—contrary to what’s been said around—OAU is yet to open the school’s portal for the payment of acceptance fees! OAU only recently uploaded the names on their First Batch of admission to the school’s portal, and these are the applicants offered admission from September/October last year to December same year. The ones offered admission so far this year cannot have their names on the school’s portal just yet, as they belong to the Second Batch, and the uploading of the Second Batch have not even gone so far. Which means there are still many applicants that will surely be admitted but are yet to be admitted with the Second Batch, but are yet to even see anything changed on their CAPS. So even the resumption date already set might be postponed due to this delay in the updating of admission statuses.
To clear the confusion about the Lists again, I will like to start by pointing out that the uploading and updating of the Third Batch (VC List) can never be a delay on the resumption, as the list is never much and can be uploaded in just a matter of hours and updated to admitted in just a matter of days. Because the list is usually drawn from gathering the spots of people who were offered admission on the initial lists but didn’t accept the admission. These admission spots will be collated after the payment of acceptance fees has been closed to the public. The admissions will be offered to other applicants who are in one way or the other connected to the VC or connected to someone who is connected to the VC; which is why they call the list the VC List—it solely and directly belongs to the VC, the VC determines who gets on the it. The people that will be on this list will surely be few and they can be exempted from been cut off by the cutoff marks of the departments they have been offered admission to.
I must briefly state here that that is almost how the Second List works too, but only with the slight difference that with the Second List is what the DE applicants’ names offered admission are released. Which means the Second List is for DE applicants that have been considered for admission, and the UTME and Remedial programmes applicants who don’t have the score that beats the cutoff mark of the department they have chosen and they have been transferred to another department or a slot was used for them to keep them in the department they have chosen anyways (because someone of high office is showing interest in them—which is how slots works). Also be reminded that the First List is for people who beat the cutoff mark of the department they have chosen—either by merit, or by catchment area or by ELDS. So by now, you can know which list you will have to belong if you are an applicant.
You may have been hearing it from everywhere—even from OAU member staffs that admission processes are over and all lists have been released; and yes, this is true! But then, not so true. True because, OAU has indeed released all lists belonging to the admissions board (the First List and Second List) to JAMB remaining just the Third List that belongs to the VC only, but JAMB must scrutinize and approve all admissions offered, which is why a lot of people’s CAPS still remain the same as from day one. If your CAPS is yet to change from anything to anything at all since the admission processes began (if it still says “NO ADMISSION GIVEN YET), please calm down, it can only mean your page has not been worked on at all, like at all! And it will be worked on, it must be worked on! If your own CAPS says “ADMISSION IN PROGRESS, CHECK BACK LATER”, please know that you have already been offered a provisional admission by the school, and JAMB is currently scrutinizing your qualification for the admission offered, if you are qualified for the admission—either by marks or by slot (somebody in a high office showing interest in you), your status can only change from that to “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE BEEN OFFERED ADMISSION”. But if you are not qualified for the provisional admission offered by your school or you have not uploaded your O/Levels, or you don’t have the required O/Level results, or you have not been considered for admission at all by your school, these are the times “NOT ADMITTED” will be on your CAPS. So if you currently have AIP on your CAPS, please relax a little, it can barely change to “NOT ADMITTED”. SO do not mind anyone who tells you admission processes are over, admission processes are still very on, and thousands of people will still be offered admission—even this February, as it’s still about the Second Batch now. We wish you the very best of luck as you await seeing something good on your CAPS.

Thursday, 6 February 2020


Vital Information for All UTME Admission Seekers
Please, if in the course of uploading your O/Level results to JAMB’s website you uploaded any subject having any grade lesser than C, this information is for you and it is very important you do what you will be told now to do lest you want to lose your chances of being offered admission. I was in a discussion with an officer in charge of loading admission statuses to CAPS, she said to me in our discussion about admission processes and I quote:
“so  many  candidates  who  have  been  considered  for admission by  the  school they applied to  will end up losing their  admission  offer  based  on  their misunderstanding  of JAMB’s  instruction  on  the  uploading  of  their  O/Level results;  JAMB  requires  them  to  upload  only  the  subjects they  passed  at  the  minimum  of  the  grade  C,  but  many just  went  ahead  to  upload  all  their  results,  including  the ones  they  have  grades  lesser  than  C  in.  Any uploaded result  having  any  subject  with  a  grade  lesser  than  C  will not  be  seen  by  the  admission  officers  as  JAMB  has programmed the software to not load any uploaded result having any grade lesser than a C.”
Trust me, I asked her the question you could be thinking of right now, and the question is, would the admission officer not see the candidate’s full results in the result printout scanned and uploaded to the site? She answered the question shaking her head! “No, we don’t see the scanned and uploaded papers, we only see the results inputted in the boxes provided on the site.”
This is what makes this information vital to all admission seekers as many applicants when they were trying to make sure they uploaded all their subjects have uploaded subjects in which they didn’t have at least a C, to go against JAMB’s instruction to them on uploading only the subjects they passed at credit level. So, if you uploaded any grade lesser than a C to JAMB’s website, please go back to the CBT center and make amends. If you do not need the subject in your 5 required subjects core to the course you have applied to, please go and remove it! It won’t let your results visible to the admission officer who will upload your admission status, hence you will be perceived as not qualified for the admission offer. But if you need the subject in the 5 required subjects core to the course you have applied to, you will have to take some chances here. You will still have to go and change the grade you have in such subject to a C and wait for what happens when you are offered admission and you are asked to undergo the credentials screening in your school. The school could change your admission offer to another department that does not necessarily require such subject. What matters is gaining the admission first. When you have been offered admission, you can change to another course if your papers don’t qualify you for the course you are initially offered admission to. Please act on this information fast. Goodluck.

Monday, 3 February 2020


“Transfer Approval” and “Admission Eligibility" Newly Introduced on CAPS: The Possible Effects
JAMB insists the reason for the introduction of CAPS is to monitor all admission processes, to make sure that: applicants can only get an admission they are qualified for; and no applicant can get multiple admissions while there are others looking for one.  Judging by how JAMB has been introducing new functions on CAPS every now and then, one can have the impression that JAMB knows what they are doing with CAPS just as they knew what they were doing when they introduced all sort of things like biometrics, CBT, CCTV watch in exam halls and so on, to UTME just to eradicate the malpractice of the exam. We all know how candidates used to have issues knowing whether their O/Levels were uploaded to CAPS during registration or not, and how since JAMB introduced the O/Level sections on CAPS, everyone can just click on the function to see whether their O/Levels are there on the web or not; see how that has been made easy. But as good as the strives of JAMB is on CAPS and the introduction of the newest function on CAPS—Transfer Approval and Admission Eligibility, what effects would these functions have on the applicants—OAU aspirants especially?
The introduction of Transfer Approval is good for aspirants of OAU, as usually, OAU doesn’t automatically offer applicants admission to a department they have not applied to. Please notice the emphasis on automatically, because I said that to mean unless you are using a slot or something like that, if you are not qualified for the course you have chosen, OAU will not consider you for another course which you are qualified for. And I must say here again that the course OAU considers you for is always the course on your application as at when the Post-UTME registration begins. Although previously, it used to be the course on your application as at when Post-UTME results are released, which means candidate used to have the opportunity to change courses after writing their Post-UTME before their results are released, and the new course will be the one to appear on their OAU portal (instead of the old course), which is what they would be considered for admission on. This is because OAU used to take data from JAMB more than once, unlike now that OAU takes data from JAMB just once. It means whatever you have on your JAMB portal by when Post-UTME registration begins will be what will appear on your OAU portal, which is what you will be considered for.

But with JAMB’s introduction of Transfer Approval, JAMB can independently transfer a candidate from one department (they are not qualified for) to another department they may have the qualifications of, so they can be processed for such department. This is very good, but not good for OAU aspirants who slots are used for to a course with a cutoff higher than their score. It would only mean slots can barely work anymore—which is very bad. Slots can now work for aspirants only when they are not qualified for the course they have on their portal and they don’t want the course JAMB is trying to transfer them to, so they are given a slot to another department which they also must be qualified for, which is the only way slots will work henceforth. This is good for business as a tutorial master, as our tutorial candidates can now have higher hopes of admission without having to use a slot, but bad for business as a runsman as we don’t get to have so much candidates needing slots anymore. But whichever way, we are still happy as the primary goal here is that our candidates are admitted.

The introduction of Admission Eligibility to CAPS is the newest function to add to the web, and I can already tell it’s a very good one. Good one because aspirants and their wards won’t have to wait on an admission that will never be given again. You just check your eligibility for the course you are under consideration for, and if you don’t have three green boxes carrying yes, yes and yes in them, you already know you can’t be offered admission to that course, this is when you need a slot—the only place left which slots can still work. Your slot person will just need to get a slot for you to another department which cutoff you beat; you see how easy it suddenly got to process admission? You are carried along in every process, instead of being left in the dark as it used to be years ago. Kudos to JAMB. But if you are an aspirant currently on slots, it’s advisable you talk to your slot person ASAP to know how the new development will be affecting you or has affected you, and re-strategize on the new thing to do.