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Monday 10 February 2020


Updates on OAU’s Undergraduate Admission
This is the time when everyone starts to hear different things about OAU’s admission—some of which could be true, but they mostly are fabricated by people who don’t know what’s actually going on and people who are really anxious about their admission processing and would say anything about the admission processes and make it sound like the most official statement. I will start clearing some rumors currently going around about OAU’s undergraduate admission—involving UTME and DE applicants. While my next write-up would be to clear the rumors about OAU’s postgraduate admission—involving PGD, Masters, MSc, MPhil, PhD and MBA.
I must importantly tell the undergraduates that—contrary to what’s been said around—OAU is yet to open the school’s portal for the payment of acceptance fees! OAU only recently uploaded the names on their First Batch of admission to the school’s portal, and these are the applicants offered admission from September/October last year to December same year. The ones offered admission so far this year cannot have their names on the school’s portal just yet, as they belong to the Second Batch, and the uploading of the Second Batch have not even gone so far. Which means there are still many applicants that will surely be admitted but are yet to be admitted with the Second Batch, but are yet to even see anything changed on their CAPS. So even the resumption date already set might be postponed due to this delay in the updating of admission statuses.
To clear the confusion about the Lists again, I will like to start by pointing out that the uploading and updating of the Third Batch (VC List) can never be a delay on the resumption, as the list is never much and can be uploaded in just a matter of hours and updated to admitted in just a matter of days. Because the list is usually drawn from gathering the spots of people who were offered admission on the initial lists but didn’t accept the admission. These admission spots will be collated after the payment of acceptance fees has been closed to the public. The admissions will be offered to other applicants who are in one way or the other connected to the VC or connected to someone who is connected to the VC; which is why they call the list the VC List—it solely and directly belongs to the VC, the VC determines who gets on the it. The people that will be on this list will surely be few and they can be exempted from been cut off by the cutoff marks of the departments they have been offered admission to.
I must briefly state here that that is almost how the Second List works too, but only with the slight difference that with the Second List is what the DE applicants’ names offered admission are released. Which means the Second List is for DE applicants that have been considered for admission, and the UTME and Remedial programmes applicants who don’t have the score that beats the cutoff mark of the department they have chosen and they have been transferred to another department or a slot was used for them to keep them in the department they have chosen anyways (because someone of high office is showing interest in them—which is how slots works). Also be reminded that the First List is for people who beat the cutoff mark of the department they have chosen—either by merit, or by catchment area or by ELDS. So by now, you can know which list you will have to belong if you are an applicant.
You may have been hearing it from everywhere—even from OAU member staffs that admission processes are over and all lists have been released; and yes, this is true! But then, not so true. True because, OAU has indeed released all lists belonging to the admissions board (the First List and Second List) to JAMB remaining just the Third List that belongs to the VC only, but JAMB must scrutinize and approve all admissions offered, which is why a lot of people’s CAPS still remain the same as from day one. If your CAPS is yet to change from anything to anything at all since the admission processes began (if it still says “NO ADMISSION GIVEN YET), please calm down, it can only mean your page has not been worked on at all, like at all! And it will be worked on, it must be worked on! If your own CAPS says “ADMISSION IN PROGRESS, CHECK BACK LATER”, please know that you have already been offered a provisional admission by the school, and JAMB is currently scrutinizing your qualification for the admission offered, if you are qualified for the admission—either by marks or by slot (somebody in a high office showing interest in you), your status can only change from that to “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE BEEN OFFERED ADMISSION”. But if you are not qualified for the provisional admission offered by your school or you have not uploaded your O/Levels, or you don’t have the required O/Level results, or you have not been considered for admission at all by your school, these are the times “NOT ADMITTED” will be on your CAPS. So if you currently have AIP on your CAPS, please relax a little, it can barely change to “NOT ADMITTED”. SO do not mind anyone who tells you admission processes are over, admission processes are still very on, and thousands of people will still be offered admission—even this February, as it’s still about the Second Batch now. We wish you the very best of luck as you await seeing something good on your CAPS.

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