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Tuesday, 19 January 2021

OAU’s Transcripts Problems: What the Alumni Body Should Do (TAGS: NAIRALAND, GOOGLE, OAU, TRANSCRIPTS, ETX, IFE, WES, IQAS, ICES)

 OAU’s Transcripts Problems: What the Alumni Body Should Do

One of the biggest problems alumni of any school in Nigeria currently face is trying to get their transcripts from their school they graduated from. If you are a graduate and you have not had to lose an advance admission, an opportunity to travel abroad or a delayed promotion at work because your employer is waiting for you to provide your transcripts, it most probably means you’ve not started using your education at the places where you should be using it. Because if you have, you would have been asked to provide your transcripts at some point, and your school would have shown you how problematic they are when it comes to issuing transcripts to people. And with all these I have said about the problems you would encounter to get your transcripts, I have not even slimmed it down to the levels of OAU, and trust me on this, when it comes to OAU, every normal problem becomes even stronger. Since OAU handed the transcripts processes to the private digital company called ETX, instead of the processes getting better and easier, it gets even worse day after day. Go on any social media platform and read about how OAU alumni lament about their sufferings on getting their transcripts, you wouldn’t believe OAU—one of the earliest universities in Nigeria, with the title “leading in ICT” attached to her name—would still be having such problems in this century where everything is swift, easier, and you don’t have to be present to make all these happen.

The transcripts problems in OAU are undeniable, they are there, and it never looks like they would go at one point soon, and I think the reason for this is because the alumni body is either not really in existence, or it exists but it’s corrupt, or—the most likely one—it’s not functional for the unpopular and not-so-rich members of the body—which are the majority of the members of the body. This leads me to believing the OAU alumni body, even though they are not the cause of the transcripts problems in OAU, let it keep happening. I don’t know the law like that, but the much I know about associational rights, I believe the alumni body can sue OAU for a lot of things happening about getting a transcript from OAU, which ranges from monetary exploitation and the bad services to not delivering the transcripts when it’s needed or not delivering it at all. Maybe the alumni body doesn’t know they have the right to sue the school for all these or they just don’t want to, because the powerful members of the body are always friends of the management, It just has to be something like that.

Even though the alumni body does not want to sue OAU for all the corruption happening about getting your transcripts from OAU, they should at least be able to ask that graduates should be given an unofficial copy of their transcripts at their convocation, it’s what any school in the world does; you collect a roll at your convocation and in that roll there is your transcript. If OAU could do this at convocations, it would solve at least 80% of the problems the alumni would have to face when they eventually need their transcripts—official or unofficial. You wouldn’t even have to need an unofficial copy again as the one you would have collected at your convocation would suffice for anything you want to use an unofficial transcript for. Plus, the fact that you have your unofficial transcripts as early as you graduated would curb the problems of the loss of results people have to face when the school’s results database crashes again—which is always crashing, and the department can't find the results in papers anymore. This always means that any alumnus in such situation is never getting a transcript from the school no matter how hard they try. Whereas this problem can be solved by giving the graduates a copy of their transcripts at convocation, so that in the case of loss of results, the person can always provide the unofficial transcripts they have with them for the school to verify and be able to have their results on the database again. But it is what it is, the OAU alumni body doesn’t even act like they are concerned about the bad record of the school on issuing transcripts to their graduates, and this is really shameful.

People who read this also have interest in reading this:

Why Most OAU Transcripts Don’t Get Sent Ever or Get Sent But Several Months After Applying

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