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Tuesday 20 December 2022

For OAU and UI Postgraduate Degree Certificate Collection

 For OAU and UI Postgraduate Degree Certificate Collection

It is important you know that:

Certificate collection processes and the payment for it are totally based on your year of graduation; if you don’t have your year of graduation we can’t work on collecting your certificate for you.

Your year of graduation is not necessarily the year you left the school; the year your results were approved by the Senate of your school is your year of graduation. So your year of graduation is the “Date of Senate Approval” or “Date of Approval” written on your Statement of Results.

Year of graduation is what’s used to determine the form you are to fill for the collection of your certificate, please be sure you know your correct year of graduation (as stated on your Statement of Results) and you fill the form designed for your year of graduation. Filling the wrong form could cause misinformation.

Please fill one of the forms listed below:

1. Click here and fill the form if your year of graduation is from 2020 to date.

2. Click here and fill the form if your year of graduation is from 2015 to 2019.

3. Click here and fill the form if your year of graduation is from 2014 backwards.

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