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Thursday 19 December 2019


Now That OAU Postgraduate Form is Closed, What’s Next?
After the closing of the sales of the OAU postgraduate form for 2019/2020 admission session has been extended three times, they finally closed it on 13th of December, 2019. But has all registrations are done and the sale of form is closed now, what else? What’s left for the applicants to know? What must the applicants do to be admitted? Apart from the new development that applicants whose programme involve research work (programmes with thesis) will have to submit a research proposal of not more than 5 pages, there have always been things the applicants must do to be qualified for admission, and they will all be discussed briefly below, but if you need more information on any of them, my phone is always on: 08139534187.
First of the things an applicant should know is that this website on which they filled their form is not the one on which they would keep an eye on their application to know what’s up about it per time. The new website should be On this one is where you know whether your documents have been submitted to the PG College and your aspired department or not, and whether you referees have responded to the confidential form sent to them or not, and whether you have been recommended by your department or not, and whether you have been admitted or not. So if you have been visiting the first website (the one on which you filled your form) and it looks like you are not getting any response, it’s because you have been visiting the wrong website. That first website is closed against you the moment you submitted your form. So the second website is where you visit now to follow your application.
Secondly, it is in the requirement of the PG College that every department must screen their applicants before recommending them for admission, such screening may come in the form of aptitude test or an interview or the two, depending on the department you have applied to and how much applicants they have. But sometimes, many of the departments don’t bother screening their applicants before recommending them for admission, especially when the applicants are not that much. When only about 5 people apply to a department for a PG programme, why should we screen them? But if there would be screening at your department, please know that it wouldn’t be a thing to panic about, it would be a test you could write without even reading a thing, it’s just an aptitude test, and if it would be an interview, the questions they would ask you would surely be within the field of the department you have applied to. So don’t bother yourself running around because of some test and interview, it’s never that deep.
Of all the things you will have to put in place to gain admission to the PG College, your transcripts getting to the PG College before the admission board sits on the admission is very very important. OAU generally takes the transcripts more seriously than even the certificate and other documents. No matter how many certificates you have and have submitted, if your transcripts are not sent to OAU before the admission board sits, you are certainly not getting admitted! Get your transcripts from your previous school to OAU PG College by all means, your admission depends largely on it. Another thing your admission depends on are your referees, at least two of the three of them must have responded to the confidential form sent to them in your name.
Apart from these things mentioned, there should be nothing else disturbing you from gaining admission to a PG programme, lest you do not and NYSC discharge letter or exemption letter, or have the required CGPA from your previous degree. OAU requires you have at least 3.00 over 5.00. If you have put every of these things in place, then I wish you the best of luck as you await your admission letter.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The sales of the PG form has been extended again till January 15th, 2020.

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