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Tuesday, 16 February 2021


Advice for 2020/2021 OAU UTME and DE Admission Aspirants

Let me start by creating a scenario for you as a candidate waiting to participate in the 2020/2021 admission processes in OAU; JAMB will soon start selling the UTME and DE form for the 2021/2022 admission session, which means by latest April 2021, the registration for the matriculation exams would have been closed, and probably, the exam would have been written by the end of May latest. By this time, the aspirants who are just about to write their OAU Post-UTME/DE in February and March would still be waiting for OAU to offer them admission or deny them of same. Now, my question—which is a little pessimistic but not impossible—is that, what if something happens somehow, and such aspirant who has been waiting on OAU to offer them an admission ends up being denied of the admission, what effects would that have on such candidate and how possibly could one avoid being a victim of such effect?

See, people don’t like to accept this scenario every time I create it, but the people who dare to take my advice always come back to say thank you—whether they eventually got admitted or not. When OAU delays admission like this, and JAMB is about to start selling another UTME/DE forms, I always advice aspirants who are waiting to be considered for admission with a previous UTME/DE to go register for another one. This doesn’t mean I do not think the aspirants would be admitted, but because I believe anything… just anything can happen and the aspirants would either not get admitted or they would be given a course they don’t want to do ever. If this happens, it would be such aspirants would have to wait for what would look like one year—but it’s almost two years—to be able to register for another UTME/DE, since they didn’t register for another UTME/DE the year they were expecting OAU to consider them for admission and OAU was delaying about the admission processes till JAMB closes the registration for that year.

This advice is not lovely, because no one likes to think the unwanted could happen. Also, where is the money we have to waste on registering for a UTME/DE we might end up not needing in case the aspirant was offered admission with the UTME/DE they did previously. This is very reasonable, money shouldn’t be wasted like that, but let’s say an aspirant for the 20/21 admission obtains another UTME/DE for the 21/22 admission session just to be on the safer side incase that one of 20/21 fails unfortunately, and around 15,000 Naira was spent in the whole processes of registering for the exam and the writing of the exam, then the aspirant eventually gets admitted with the 20/21 exam, would the 15,000 spent on the 21/22 exam be a total waste, considering that if the aspirant didn’t get admitted with the 20/21 exam, they would already start looking forward to what the 21/22 exam they wrote would have to offer them, instead of having to wait till JAMB sells UTME/DE forms again in 22/23 admission session before they can have any hope of getting admitted again? My answer is: losing over one academic year, and losing 15,000 Naira aren’t the same at all. No  matter how much time a student has at hand, one year plus is too much a time to lose; you can't retrieve a lost one year plus with 15,000 Naira, but you can recover a lost 15,000 Naira in lesser than one year plus.

My argument is, if you have not scored so high in the 20/21 admission screenings for you to be so sure you would be admitted and to the course you would take, it’s just safer for you to have a Plan B by obtaining another form in the 21/22 admission session, so that should anything unwanted happens with the 20/21 admission, you wouldn’t have to wait till 22/23 admission session to be able to participate in an admission process again. Please, yield this counsel and obtain another form when JAMB starts selling the form for the 21/22 session. I say this because I’ve been in the admission business for a while now, and I know anything can happen—even when you’ve got all the marks and connections assuring you of the admission. Look forward to getting the best, but be prepared for the worst.

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  1. Good morning.
    Please i will like to know if you have any information about the upcoming postutme in OAU. If the direct entry students applicants are also going to write the exam because the exam venue and date slip is not showing on their portal except for jamb students.

    Thank you

    1. Direct Entry candidates have not be writing any entrance exam for a while now.
