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Wednesday, 4 August 2021

OAU JUPEB and Pre-Degree Entrance Registration for 2021/2022 Admission on Now [TAGS: NAIRALAND, GOOGLE, OAU, ADMISSION, UTME, PREDEGREE, JUPEB, FORM, IFE]

OAU JUPEB and Pre-Degree Entrance Registration for 2021/2022 Admission on Now

For admission seekers with their 5 credit passes in their O/Levels and are interested in undertaking a pre-university programme to be admitted to 100 Level (with the combination of their O/Level, Pre-Degree and 2021/2022 UTME results) or to be admitted to 200 Level (with the combination of their O/Level and JUPEB results, and DE application), this is to inform you that OAU has opened their portal for the application for the two programmes which at completion would qualify you for admission considerations. You can apply for the Pre-Degree programme here and the JUPEB programme here. If you have issues on deciding which one of Pre-Degree and JUPEB you want to choose, read this article to get more information on the two programmes. If there is any other thing you need to know about this, you can call +23408139534187; we are happy to be of help.

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