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Monday 21 October 2019

Transcripts Order in OAU 1: How OAU and ETX are Getting it Wrong (TAGS: oau transcripts etx wes ece evaluation iqas nairaland)

Transcripts Order in OAU 1: How OAU and ETX are Getting it Wrong
After about five years of working somewhere in between OAU and ETX in solving alumni’s transcripts order issues and making a clean living from it, I have over these years learnt what OAU and ETX are jointly doing wrongly to make transcripts transactions frustrating and opportunity-depriving for the alumni of the school who need their transcripts to move forward either academically, occupationally, in their career or in life generally. OAU and ETX really need to be given a blunt feedback about their transcripts services, I will try to do that with this write-up, and I sincerely wish this one gets to someone in the management of any or both of the managements of the two organizations.
Let me—for those who don’t know this—state that OAU stopped transacting transcripts directly with individuals about 5 years ago, anyone who goes to the senate to request for their transcripts now will be told this (no matter whom you are meeting): “go and order for it on ETX”. The school has handed everything about transcripts requests to a startup company called ETX. ETX is an online transcripts delivery service that was meant to ease the order and delivery of transcripts to anywhere in the world, this was supposed to be so easy that the alumni shouldn’t need to come down to Ife to get their transcripts. You just have to give your details as a student, state where you need the transcripts, pay for the service, and wait to get notifications that your transcripts has gotten to where you said you need them. But unfortunately, the reverse has been the case since ETX started handling OAU’s transcripts services. Alumni will order, wait, wait and wait, after months of waiting and not getting their transcripts, they will eventually have to come down to Ife only to learn that ETX just collected their order money, encountered a little problem in the processing of their transcripts and abandoned the file—without even giving any report to the client on why they won’t be getting their transcripts they have ordered and paid for. Many people lose opportunities to this every year! OAU doesn’t care about this, ETX too either don't want to improve on their services or/and not even trying to know how to improve on their services.
I can’t deny that this problem is why I—as an entrepreneur—get to make profits from solving such problems, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t hope OAU and ETX do something to get better on this.

Transcripts Order in OAU 2: The Problems and the Possible Solutions is another write-up you should read. Click the link now to read it.

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