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Monday, 24 August 2020


Blasting OAU Post-UTME

This is a kind of article I write every time OAU Post-UTME is forthcoming—which is always around this time of the year. I write this kind of article just so it helps someone prepare for the exam. Even now that Covid-19 his holding everything down this year, it’d feel somehow if this article is not published, as it’s an annual culture already. But all well and good, it’s still okay that there will soon be the time when the applicants of OAU will be writing the Post-UTME eventually, and they will be needing the REAL clues on how to REALLY blast OAU Post-UTME.

Talking of blasting OAU Post-UTME, you know, it sounds funny to me that almost everyone of the candidates are always thinking they are capable of blasting OAU Post-UTME like it’s not even an exam—courtesy all the past questions on OAU Post-UTME they have tackled and trashed. They think OAU Post-UTME is the simplest in the world, because all the questions asked are questions that are very easy to relate to. Even the tutors too, and the past questions, they are always making their students and readers (respectively) feel too confident over “blasting” the Post-UTME. But in the end, after the results are released, the news is always the same: “oh, there is mass failure”, and I'm always like, shut up! You failed! That should be the concern, not how many people failed. Forgive my bluntness, but that’s the truth. No matter how much “mass failure” we have, there must be people who indeed blasted the Post-UTME; why can’t you be one of those people? That’s the question I ask candidates who give excuses to justifier their failure.

Now, though I may not be able to help you find answers to the question of why a person can fail the Post-UTME, but I can spur you to thinking your way to finding the answers to the question. This is what I tell my students I tutor in preparation for the OAU Post-UTME before getting deeper in the tutoring; I tell them OAU does not place you under her Post-UTME just to test if you know a thing or not; OAU knows you know something. If you do not know something then you wouldn’t have passed the UTME to be qualified for the Post-UTME. This is it, no matter how you passed the UTME to qualify to write OAU Post-UTME, you couldn’t have passed it if you were a total numskull. Even if na cheat you cheat to pass the UTME, it must be you cheated your cheating with sense, and that’s almost what testing you with UTME is all about—wanting to know if you have what it takes to be in a higher institution. It’s JAMB’s job to test you—with the UTME—if you know the things that’ll prove that you are worthy of being in a higher institution, but it’s OAU’s job to test you—with the Post-UTME—if you are worthy of being in OAU. This makes OAU concern herself in testing how certain you would still be of what you know if you were placed in a situation that would confuse you on what you know.

Let me be practical so you understand this better. JAMB—via the UTME—tests if you know a thing; that’s why JAMB can ask in the UTME questions like “As used in the sentence above, what does trick mean?” and provide options like: (A) deceive (B) dialogue (c) communicate (D) all of the above. But OAU only concerns herself with testing your certainty of what you know, that’s why they can ask in the Post-UTME questions like “Which of these is correctly spelt?” and provide options like: (A) manouvre (B) manouver (C) maneuver (D) maneuvre. This kind of question is not testing if you know how to spell maneuver, it’s rather testing if you can still know how to spell maneuver even when you are distracted. And believe me, if I had not stated the correct spelling of maneuver after asking the question, the tendencies are high you would have chosen the wrong option if you were left to answer the question above—even though you are so familiar with the word maneuver. This is why many of the OAU Post-UTME candidates fail the exam woefully—they are always thinking the exam is more or less like any other exam; but the reality is: OAU's Post-UTME is not just any exam, it’s the exam that will prove to you that everything you think you know are not really known—if you are not careful.

Mentioning the word ‘careful’ makes it necessary that I also mention that when it comes to OAU Post-UTME, the next thing after knowing a thing is being careful when you are called to present what you know. If you are not careful with OAU Post-UTME, yours truly, you will be trashed! You will be trashed no matter how brilliant and expert-at-guessing-right you are.

Now, how do you avoid being overconfident and yet falling into OAU’s Post-UTME mousetrap? Simple! Don’t let the cheese on the trap trip you. What’s the cheese? The cheese is how OAU makes her Post-UTME questions look so cheap and yet people who fall for it fail the cheap questions woefully. This has always been my advice to OAU Post-UTME candidates: be prepared for whatever, be informed by all means, and be careful when it is just you and the tricky questions and options with the very short flying time allocated to you to attempt the questions. People who ace the Post-UTME are aware of these things, that’s why they score unbelievably high in the exam. You can score high too, just know what you are doing, and avoid being carried away by your over-sized confident over blasting the Post-UTME; It’s as simple as that.

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Betteringyour Post-UTME Preparation

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